We’re Part of the Solution: Unlocking NY’s Potential for Community Safety Social Media Guide
Join us in sharing the stories of community leaders who have come home from prison and are doing incredible work to keep their communities safe.
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Graphic: A wide rectangle graphic with a collage of photos of formerly incarcerated folks, some pictured with loved ones. In the bottom center, it says in large, all-caps, dark blue lettering: “Pass Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole.” Then in smaller, orange lettering, it says: “We’re part of the solution. Bring home more leaders like us to unlock New York’s potential for community safety.” In light gray lettering arond this text are a list of essential roles that formerly incarcerated people play, including artists, faith leaders, victim & survivor advocates, civil rights leaders, and more.
Sample Tweets/Posts
We honor the incredible contributions of formerly incarcerated New Yorkers who do essential work to improve community safety. Tell your lawmakers to pass Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole to bring home more leaders like them. #ParoleJusticeNY bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction
100+ formerly incarcerated people, backed by hundreds of New Yorkers with loved ones in prison and others, were honored in the State Capitol for their work to uplift communities across NY State—and they used the moment to call for #ParoleJusticeNY. https://www.news10.com/news/ny-news/parole-advocates-pack-nys-capitol-pressing-lawmakers-to-pass-reform/
Greg Mingo served 40 years in prison. Now he lives in Westchester where he gives back to his community by building affordable housing. Tell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Greg by passing Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction #ParoleJusticeNY [add graphic]
Ronald Dennis served 36 years in prison. Now he lives in Syracuse & volunteers as a HIV/AIDS peer educator & @VOCALNewYork leader. Tell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Ronald by passing Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction #ParoleJusticeNY [add graphic]
Anisah Sabur served 16 years in prison. Now she lives in the Bronx, leading policy advocacy for human rights & gender justice campaigns. Tell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Anisah by passing Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction #ParoleJusticeNY [add graphic]
Serena Liguori served 3 years in prison. Now she lives in Long Island & runs @NewHOUR_LI, empowering criminalized survivors of violence & others. Tell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Serena by passing Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction [add graphic]
Anthony Dixon began organizing while serving 32 years in prison. Now he runs a support group of 100+ formerly incarcerated people & helps lead @paroleprepny. Tell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Anthony by passing #ParoleJusticeNY: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction [add graphic]
Tracie Adams is formerly incarcerated. Now she lives in Rochester & helps lead work with RAPP & @VOCALNewYork to end HIV/AIDS, end homelessness, & end mass incarceration. TTell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Tracie by passing #ParoleJusticeNY: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction [add graphic]
Jerome Wright served 30 years in prison. Now he lives in Buffalo, co-leads the #HALTsolitary Campaign & runs a mentoring & reentry program in the community & the jail. TTell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Jerome by passing #ParoleJusticeNY: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction [add graphic]
Vanessa Santiago served 17 years in prison. Now she lives in Queens, runs a small charity providing free furniture and more to people in need, and organizes with RAPP. Tell lawmakers to bring home more leaders like Vanessa by passing #ParoleJusticeNY: bit.ly/ParoleJusticeAction [add graphic]