Who We Are
The People’s Campaign for Parole Justice is a grassroots coalition started by 15 organizations across New York State that works to promote fair and meaningful release opportunities for incarcerated people in New York State prisons. The primary goals of our campaign are decarceration and family reunification.
Thousands of New Yorkers are serving brutally long prison terms as a result of our state’s draconian sentencing laws. These laws are rooted in white supremacy and a parole release process plagued by racial bias, designed to punish and re-sentence rather than acknowledge change and transformation. In response to these realities, the People’s Campaign for Parole Justice advocates for the passage of two key pieces of legislation, the Fair and Timely and Elder Parole bills, as well as a change in the composition of the New York State Parole Board.
We advocate for these initiatives because we value the worth and dignity of all people. We believe no one is disposable, nor should anyone be defined by the worst thing they’ve ever done. We recognize that many people in prison have caused serious harm and we do not minimize that. We also recognize incarceration creates and compounds violence and other forms of harm rather than promoting healing. We believe in redemption and transformation — without carveouts or exceptions. We believe in families, communities, and collective care. We recognize that carceral punishment does not keep us safe.
New York State must end mass incarceration and promote racial justice by uprooting NY state’s culture of permanent punishment and replacing it with systems of healing, accountability and care. The People’s Campaign for Parole Justice is made up of formerly and currently incarcerated people, family members, advocates, and organizers, that make up 350 organizations across New York State.