Take Action Before the End of New York’s Legislative Session on June 10
There is less than a week left of New York’s legislative session for 2021 and our legislators need to pass Elder Parole and Fair + Timely Parole to prevent deaths behind bars, honor incarcerated people’s personal transformation, and promote redemption, healing, and reuniting families. Join us by contacting your legislators and showing the widespread support for #ParoleJusticeNY on social media. See details below for how to get involved.
1. Share Your Support on Social Media
Share a photo of yourself holding a sign that shows your support of #ParoleJusticeNY
This session, we have shown the vast support for parole justice across the state and across demographics. We want to continue to highlight that survivors, faith leaders, New Yorkers outside of the city, etc. are in support of our campaign. Join us by following the instructions below for what to write on the sign, how to post, and a sample caption for the post.
Step 1: Make a sign that says “I am a (insert how you choose to identify here, i.e. a survivor of crime, a family member of an incarcerated person, a faith leader, a Long Islander, etc.) who supports #ParoleJusticeNY.” You can end it there or you can add “because….” and then insert why you support it, i.e. “punishment does not equal justice”, “I believe in redemption”, “I need my family member home”, etc. See example to the left.
Step 2: Take a photo of yourself holding the sign.
Step 3: Upload the photo to social media with a caption/tweet that says “Survivors, faith leaders, Long Islanders, Upstate New Yorkers, legislators from across the state, and people from all walks of life support #ParoleJusticeNY and passing Elder Parole and Fair + Timely Parole THIS SESSION. Will you @Carlheastie @AndreaSCousins?” Make sure to tag Speaker Heastie and Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins.
Step 4: Share other similar posts about this and encourage your networks to join!
2. Contact Your Legislators
Use the new Phone to Action Tool for a phone script and to send automated messages and tweets to your legislators.
Share the image below with your networks to encourage them to contact their legislators too.