Social Media Guide for May 8
Mother’s Day Rally

Join the People’s Campaign for Parole Justice, New Hour for Women and Children–LI, the Osborne Association, and Osborne’s New York Initiative for Children of Incarcerated Parents on Saturday, May 8 at 11 AM, in person or on Zoom, as we rally outside Bedford Hills and the Rikers Bus Stop in Brooklyn to advocate for New York State to support incarcerated mothers and pregnant people this Mother’s Day. Find more information about the rally here. In addition to the rally, use the Social Media Guide below to share information throughout Mother’s Day weekend about legislation that will support mothers, families, and incarcerated people.


Sample Tweets/Posts

1. Protect Visits

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  • More than 105,000 children whose parents are incarcerated in New York and hundreds of thousands of family members are counting on the immediate passage of this bill to protect the critical lifeline to their loved ones. #ProtectVisits

  • Families are justifiably fearful that correctional facilities will increasingly rely on video conferencing and eliminate in-person or reduce visiting hours. Video conferencing is a great supplement but can't replace in person visits. #ProtectVisits

  • Most jails have not reinstated in-person visits, taking a huge toll on children, families, & those incarcerated. Passing this bill now is critical b/c more jails are implementing video visits & may be financially incentivized to favor them after pandemic is over #ProtectVisits


2. Pass Parole Justice

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  • Roughly 1,000 people would immediately become eligible for parole with the passage of Elder Parole, and thousands more people would ultimately benefit in years to come. New York State could make sure more mothers are reunited with their families by passing #ParoleJusticeNY

  • The Fair + Timely Parole Act would provide more meaningful parole reviews for people incarcerated in women's prisons who are parole eligible by centering release considerations not on the original crime but on the person’s rehabilitation while incarcerated. #ParoleJusticeNY

  • Elder Parole and Fair + Timely Parole would increase New York’s dismally low parole release rate, reduce the number of New Yorkers behind bars, save lives, reunite families, promote racial justice, and save the state tens of millions of dollars. Pass #ParoleJusticeNY NOW!


3. Provide Birth Care

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  • Giving birth in prison is traumatic and pregnant incarcerated people receive very little support throughout the process. Bill A00616/S00399 would allow incarcerated people giving birth to have one support person in the delivery room. #BirthCareIsARight

  • Incarcerated mothers should receive the same support as mothers on the outside. Bill A00616/S00399 would allow incarcerated people giving birth to have one support person in the delivery room. #BirthCareIsARight

  • Happy Mother's Day to all incarcerated mothers, pregnant incarcerated people, and mothers supporting loved ones inside. New York State can support mothers TODAY by passing legislation related to in-custody birth care. #BirthCareIsARight