2022 NY State Legislative Session Social Media Guide

Join us in sharing our demands for parole justice on social media.

2022 Demands

Sample tweet/post: I’m with the People’s Campaign for #ParoleJusticeNY and our demands are clear.

Lawmakers MUST:
1. Pass Elder Parole
2. Pass Fair & Timely Parole
3. Fully Staff the Parole Board as @GovKathyHochul promised

Save lives. Save money. Reunite families.


Elder Parole

Sample tweet/post:

  • More people have died in NY prisons in last decade than the total number of people executed in the 364 years of the state's death penalty. The Elder Parole bill will save lives by giving older adults who have served at least 15 years a chance at parole release. #ParoleJusticeNY


Fair and Timely Parole

Sample tweet/post:

  • We can't change our pasts, but we can change ourselves. The Fair & Timely Parole bill would focus parole release decisions on who a person is today, restoring the parole system to its original purpose and promoting safety, healing, and fairness. #ParoleJusticeNY


Fair and Fully Staffed Parole Board

Sample tweet/post

  • In her State of the State address, @GovKathyHochul committed to fully staffing the Parole Board. We agree and call on her to nominate Commissioners who believe in redemption and transformation. #ParoleJusticeNY